Sunday, July 11, 2010


So tonight we tore out a floor-to-ceiling cabinet that took up the corner of the garage where we will be connecting the pantry. Then we tore out the drywall. I saw things I do not want to look upon again. A short bit of history: when we had the house inspected before we bought it, the inspector said there was evidence of past termites and the house was treated. He said there were no active runs. Several years back, we found out otherwise and immediately had treatment and have had wonderful ongoing service that offers peace of mind. I think we were lucky to find out about it then... The root of the problem was in the corner of the house by where the garage meets front room: exactly where we are working now. Long story-short: we are looking at much additional expense and time to deal with what those nasty things left behind. Replacing insulation, a couple of studs, and spraying lots and lots of KILZ! Wish us luck...... No pictures of this mess! :0)

1 comment:

Mom M said...
