Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"The Mad Whistler"

My son has recently taught himself to whistle. He is quite good at it and uses his new skill often. It's driving me INSANE......!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Joel Reads to Hanna at Bedtime

The kids both LOVE their dinosaur books from Kohl's. Hanna wants to read "ROOAARR" every night. Joel has them pretty much memorized so he does the bedtime routine reading. It's so touching! (Sorry, I didn't know the lighting was so bad--Hanna gets the shadow treatment!)


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just Keeping Afloat for a Few Days...

Sorry for the inactivity here folks! School started this past week. 'Nough said... Anyone who wants to see the web page I'm so proud of can go to this link: http://www.mvcsc.k12.in.us/MVES/Staff/hwalton/WebPages/indexwebpage.html

Hope it works...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

Joel approaches the Pepsi balloon
Joel in the foreground
Hanna's not too sure... while Joel is up there touching the thing!

Last night, we went to the hot air balloon "Night Glow" at the State Fairgrounds. This is an event the night before the opening of the state fair during which balloons air up at dusk and throw flame into them in different patterns together when it becomes dark. It's neat because the whole infield is full of balloons and you just wander around them and can get in the baskets, etc... Joel LOVES it when the balloons go over our house, so this was a real treat for him. Unfortunately, I was a goober and didn't have xtra batteries for the camera when they died, so I only got a few pics. Of course, Joel begged us to go back today for the hot air balloon race, but it was at 7:00am. Ha, ha, ha......

Monday, August 6, 2007

Scrapbook Pages

Joel's Jobs

Daddy & Me

Aspiring Artist

I've been trying to catch up Joel's scrapbook this summer (to my dismay, I've only completed 10 pages!), and thought I'd try posting a few cute ones recently completed. I have no idea how to photograph pages so you can see details well and get the whole thing in the picture! Maybe I can work on that...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Joel's Milestone Moment

In one evening, that's right, one evening with the "Daddy-of-the-Year", Joel is mastering his bicycle without training wheels! He's doing great...I'm SOOOO proud of him! He started out riding in the grass for resistance (and cushioning), but moved up quickly to circling the cul-de-sac. What a joy to watch...*sniff* *sniff*
Check out the video link if you can!

This is Karleigh, with whom Joel attended Bible School last week. They are best of friends!

NOW he sings!

Last week, Joel went to Bible School and had a blast. But he wouldn't sing the songs during opening/closing time. He danced (well, he jumped and swung his arms while weaving around the front of the sanctuary - YEP, he's going to be one of those kids at all the school programs!) Several times, I asked why he wasn't singing..."you sing all the time at home, honey!" "I don't want to-don't like the songs!!!" Great--the music teacher's son refuses to sing and wanders aimlessly around the sanctuary.

Here we are in a new week and the punk is singing the songs non-stop. He even gives me lessons on the motions! All around the house: "Obey, obey -o! Obey, obey-o! Obey, obey-obey the Lord!" Better late than never, I guess.