Monday, October 13, 2008

Free Falling (well, we hope not)

Our little sprite who's not yet 3 can swing with the best of 'em! She had a great teacher (that's Mr. Hot Shot brother). I'm thrilled, yet mildly frightened for her well-being. Hold on, Hanna!

A Li'l Bit of this...A Li'l Bit of That

Blogging is not #1 on the list lately so I'm behind (big surprise). Here are a few catch-up pics...

Madame Butterfly and Ferocious Tiger: they got their faces painted at a Fall Festival in Bloomington last weekend.

Roasting hot dogs with Grandpa M. at the club weiner roast...

This weekend was very warm, so the kids chose to get along wonderfully while they played in the dirt! They were filthy! (But happy!)

As I write this, there's a chicken roasting in the rotisserie. Andy said, "C'mere and see this..." What a hoot! When asked, Hanna said, "I watching big chicken!" Who needs Noggin or Disney when you have big chicken?