Saturday, September 22, 2007

Back-to-School Cookout

Hanna, Nathaniel, Karleigh, & Joel

Bethany & Jessica join the silliness
Go! Go! Power Rangers!

Last weekend, we had some friends over for a weiner roast. I think the kids had a blast together...I know Joel was thrilled to see his buddies "on his own turf"! A good time was had by all...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another Milestone Moment

Today...*sniff* *sniff*, Joel took the first step of many and embarked on his journey called *sniff* preschool. I took a 1/2 day to take him this afternoon and, although he clung to my leg and even asked me to stay for a few minutes, he did fine. Once he found his cubby and his seat at the table next to Andrew (destined to be his buddy), all was well and Mommy faded around the corner and into oblivion. Sounds so dramatic, huh? Actually, he did GREAT and told me he thinks he'll go back again on Friday! It's full speed ahead from here on out, I suppose.