Monday, December 31, 2007

A New 'Scrappin' Direction

I did it! I made my first "altered paint can". My parents gave me some cans and tons of scrapbooking supplies for Xmas and I tried one out as a b-day gift container for my 1 year-old niece, Rylee. Her daddy's anthem to her (ALL the time!) is the "Ladybug Picnic" from Sesame Street, so the theme was obvious! I may try some more! :0)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas from the Waltons!

Happy Holidays to all from my "little preschool inkeeper" and from all of us in the Walton clan! (He said his lines clearly and loudly...enough to make any music teacher mom proud!)

*Please be kind enough to ignore the "laser eyes!

Monday, November 26, 2007

We've Been "Elfed"!

My friend Jaime sent me this hilarious link and so we tried it (after many "loading-one moment please" messages). It's a hoot! Check out my family being "elfed"!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Cheesy Holiday Cheer, Comin' Right Up!

We took the holiday greeting card picture the other night. Yep, it's our feet. You may be seeing those feet in your mailbox, come December something-or-other. Be prepared for some typical Heather cheesy-ness (or so Andy says!). Happy Thanksgiving all!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Want More Joel and Hanna Pics?

A photo shoot w/ cousin Rylee (ladybug) in Illinois over Fall Break
Checking out the reflection in her new holiday dress
They can sure turn on the attitude!
Joel w/ his preschool class girlfriend, Abby, at the pumpkin patch field trip
Hanging out with AUNT Abby and her new puppy, Luna.

Trick-or-Treat and Other Fall Fun

Power Ranger and Witch Trick-or-Treating
Pumpkin Love
Jumping in the Leaf Pile
Hamming it Up
"Take a picture of me Mommy...I'm silly!"

I have most definitely dropped the ball folks! I've been pretty good about snapping pics, but blogging was left by the wayside. To make up for it, here's a handful of fun-Joel and Hanna style.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Stop on Every Parent's Journey

Yep, here's Joel woefully enduring those agonizing minutes at the dinner table after hearing us say, "You will NOT leave the table until you finish all of your supper!" (It's the first time we've issued that warning - and followed through with the lengthy outcome.) He was none too happy with us...but he DID eat every last bite!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

All Tuckered Out

Sometimes, you just gotta step back and notice how blessed you are...
*No, she did not fall off or get pushed off :0)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Back-to-School Cookout

Hanna, Nathaniel, Karleigh, & Joel

Bethany & Jessica join the silliness
Go! Go! Power Rangers!

Last weekend, we had some friends over for a weiner roast. I think the kids had a blast together...I know Joel was thrilled to see his buddies "on his own turf"! A good time was had by all...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another Milestone Moment

Today...*sniff* *sniff*, Joel took the first step of many and embarked on his journey called *sniff* preschool. I took a 1/2 day to take him this afternoon and, although he clung to my leg and even asked me to stay for a few minutes, he did fine. Once he found his cubby and his seat at the table next to Andrew (destined to be his buddy), all was well and Mommy faded around the corner and into oblivion. Sounds so dramatic, huh? Actually, he did GREAT and told me he thinks he'll go back again on Friday! It's full speed ahead from here on out, I suppose.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"The Mad Whistler"

My son has recently taught himself to whistle. He is quite good at it and uses his new skill often. It's driving me INSANE......!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Joel Reads to Hanna at Bedtime

The kids both LOVE their dinosaur books from Kohl's. Hanna wants to read "ROOAARR" every night. Joel has them pretty much memorized so he does the bedtime routine reading. It's so touching! (Sorry, I didn't know the lighting was so bad--Hanna gets the shadow treatment!)


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just Keeping Afloat for a Few Days...

Sorry for the inactivity here folks! School started this past week. 'Nough said... Anyone who wants to see the web page I'm so proud of can go to this link:

Hope it works...

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

Joel approaches the Pepsi balloon
Joel in the foreground
Hanna's not too sure... while Joel is up there touching the thing!

Last night, we went to the hot air balloon "Night Glow" at the State Fairgrounds. This is an event the night before the opening of the state fair during which balloons air up at dusk and throw flame into them in different patterns together when it becomes dark. It's neat because the whole infield is full of balloons and you just wander around them and can get in the baskets, etc... Joel LOVES it when the balloons go over our house, so this was a real treat for him. Unfortunately, I was a goober and didn't have xtra batteries for the camera when they died, so I only got a few pics. Of course, Joel begged us to go back today for the hot air balloon race, but it was at 7:00am. Ha, ha, ha......

Monday, August 6, 2007

Scrapbook Pages

Joel's Jobs

Daddy & Me

Aspiring Artist

I've been trying to catch up Joel's scrapbook this summer (to my dismay, I've only completed 10 pages!), and thought I'd try posting a few cute ones recently completed. I have no idea how to photograph pages so you can see details well and get the whole thing in the picture! Maybe I can work on that...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Joel's Milestone Moment

In one evening, that's right, one evening with the "Daddy-of-the-Year", Joel is mastering his bicycle without training wheels! He's doing great...I'm SOOOO proud of him! He started out riding in the grass for resistance (and cushioning), but moved up quickly to circling the cul-de-sac. What a joy to watch...*sniff* *sniff*
Check out the video link if you can!

This is Karleigh, with whom Joel attended Bible School last week. They are best of friends!

NOW he sings!

Last week, Joel went to Bible School and had a blast. But he wouldn't sing the songs during opening/closing time. He danced (well, he jumped and swung his arms while weaving around the front of the sanctuary - YEP, he's going to be one of those kids at all the school programs!) Several times, I asked why he wasn't singing..."you sing all the time at home, honey!" "I don't want to-don't like the songs!!!" Great--the music teacher's son refuses to sing and wanders aimlessly around the sanctuary.

Here we are in a new week and the punk is singing the songs non-stop. He even gives me lessons on the motions! All around the house: "Obey, obey -o! Obey, obey-o! Obey, obey-obey the Lord!" Better late than never, I guess.

Monday, July 30, 2007

It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This...

A great evening with well-behaved kids! What could top butter-dripping corn-on-the-cob at supper, followed by a nice stroll around the neighborhood? Well, WE strolled while Joel played chauffer to Hanna in her posh wagon set-up! Next up: Chips Ahoy Pie for dessert! Folks, this is a pretty darned-good evening around here!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mrs. Walton's Way-Cool Music Room

I took the leftover livingroom paint and gave the back walls of my classroom a makeover. I love that color and it really brightens the room. Slap some painted stick-kids up there and away we go! Now I won't have to cover so much of my walls w/ posters. I hope the kids like it when they start a couple weeks...which is WAY TOO EARLY...and I'm not ready w/ all my plans...and I have tons to copy and laminate... I think I'll go work on my "to-do school list".

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Late this afternoon, I went to school to get some work done preparing my classroom. When I returned, Joel was sitting in a time-out chair. When I asked why he was there, he launched into an explanation from which I gleaned that he peed his pants when playing outside. Now, he's recently started having this back-lash and it just frustrates and disappoints us to no end. So in the middle of his explanation and Andy & I standing there ready to read him the riot act, he states, "I was playing and I didn't recognize that I needed to go."
I started to speak and then stopped midway.........Did he just say "recognize".....AND use it properly in a sentence??????? Wow, his pants are both wet and smart-y! *sigh*

Is it football season yet?

I almost forgot to add these of Joel. Uncle Mark was teaching him the finer points of kicking a football (he must be getting geared up for football season already...just like his Daddy!). I loved the action shots...

At the same gathering, Hanna enjoyed playing the "Wii". Actually, she just liked holding the controller because she thinks it's a remote! Later, she gives a little TLC to her cousin, Rylee.

"Try my "B",'s the BEST!"

Look Out, Tiger!

This weekend at a family gathering, Joel brushed up on his golfing with Great Uncle Mark. Nice form, son!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Grandma Mooberry's Peach Cream Pie

Yesterday, I made the best peach pie ever! It's Grandma Mooberry's's very easy and ends up with lots of creamy "goop" which is my favorite part. Well, I nailed it this time! It put me right back in her kitchen at family gatherings (actually, her livingroom where she put the dessert table) I really should have taken the picture of this divine creation BEFORE we all had some last night, but oh well. So somebody out there needs to try this is goopy heaven!

(Sorry Dad, there may not be any left by the time you get here!)

Peach Cream Pie

(I make the crust in my Oster gadget, using 1 1/4 c. flour, 1/3 c. butter crisco stick, & 5 TBSP. cold water)

In crust, gently mix 1/4 c. flour with 1/4 c. sugar. Add sliced peaches. (8-10 medium peeled). Sprinkle liberally w/ cinnamon. Pour heavy whipping cream over all until it reaches top of peaches. Bake at 350 ' for around an hour until peaches are tender and top looks wrinkled and cinnamon-ey! MMMMmmmm!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Today Joel and Hanna painted flags to hang on their new backyard play fort. They had a ball (especially Hanna w/ the finger paint) and, once again, it was a lesson in patience for Mommy. I took the pictures early, before the mega-mess happened. In the words of Laurie Berkner (Joel's favorite songstress): "From the north to the south to the east to the west, what I am is a really, really, really big MESS!"