Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hello From Chaos

Heat, humidity, and a bit of frustration 'round here today. The recessed lights are in, but there are some wiring issues that have Andy stumped. He spent almost the entire day in and out of the oppressive attic. I am so proud of his work ethic and drive, but sometimes I worry about him needing to take a break. The kids' behavior today had us both about to the breaking point, even with an offer to take them to the park for a picnic. Tonight, a storm moved through right as I put supper on the grill. It was a multitude of downpours, tons of lightning, and thunder galore. We ate our supper at the card table in the garage watching the light show. Back to mudding and sanding tomorrow... Maybe I'll post more pics when we get some color on the walls...

1 comment:

Mom M said...

Hang in there, guys!! Love Ya All!