Monday, March 2, 2009

Doggie Degradation

Our kids love pet-sitting for Twister. Over the years, he's endured quite a bit of Joel and Hanna's brand of love and affection. I can't help but wonder if their tendencies have contributed to the aging of this poor old man! Harley and Jack, if you're seeing this, know that your days are numbered. One day soon, you too will know the "joys" of being the resident jungle gym and furry set of handlebars. :0)

1 comment:

Crazy Walton Crew said...

Haha. I'm sure Jack will LOVE having somebody to follow around and give him tons of attention. It will take a load off of me. :-) The big furry guy will put up with it but I'm sure he won't be so thrilled. I thought about bringing them home with me this summer to meet everybody and play, but I probably won't. A baby will be enough to worry about with traveling. :-)