The weather here has been spectacular over the past few days. But alas, the conversations have turned to how cold and how much rain and wet snow we're in for by tomorrow! I'm sure many in the midwest are having that conversation...I think my parents are getting a good dose of the white stuff as I write this! I saw a scrapbook embellishment that says, "Even the most fierce of winters fears the spring." I, for one, am ready to see spring fight back ASAP! The walks, the fresh air and does a body good after the winter doldrums.
In other news, I got some scrapbooking done today! It may be the last time before the whole scrapping area gets moved in preparation for our interior remodel (assuming I have a job come June 1). It felt good to get the heck out of school stress and the like. Joel earned his Tiger Cub Scout badge this afternoon. Later, we went for a walk in the neighborhood and met some new neighbors...they have a 3-year old and 1-year old. Joel and Hanna (mostly Hanna) are thrilled to have a new playmate. And......Monday is Andy's birthday! I can't wait to give him a present we've been hiding for awhile. I think I'll bake his favorite kind of cake and give him the night off from cooking for us! Tee Hee!
Well, someone's bugging me to come into the livingroom, so I'm off! Happy First Day of Spring! See you on the other side of this crazy weather! Oh, and I just thought I'd throw a crazy pic in here for good measure...I'm so proud of my little beauty queen! :0)