Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to our family and friends! It has been a relaxing holiday break so far (with the exception of the way-crowded trip to the Children's Museum). It's nearly lunch time and I'm still lounging about in my sweats and glasses while Andy and the kids play Wii Monopoly. There's a fire crackling and our bellies and hearts are full....awesome. Yesterday, the kids went around delivering Christmas Braid to the neighbors and then played in the snow while Andy did some shoveling and I baked some cookies for Santa. Andy fixed a delicious cracked pepper beef tenderloin for dinner; we sat around watching A Christmas Story afterward while sipping on wassail. This has been our first Christmas EVER by ourselves and I must say, I rather like it! I'm wishing those that I've been a little out of touch with a very happy holiday...friends with new additions to their family, friends overseas, friends whose blogs I still regularly follow-but hardly comment on, and family I hardly see any more. You are all still in my thoughts and I wish you a safe and memorable season.
Andy and I think this handmade hat is adorable on Hanna, but I'm not sure she's convinced yet... Aunt Joanne and Uncle Joe in AZ sent some fun things for the kiddos.....thanks to them! Joel is excited to assemble these neat dinosaur kits.
Thanks to Aunt Susan and Uncle Henry for the books and clothes...everything looks great and Joel's already started Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Loves it!

Grandma Mooberry keeps Hanna well-stocked with Middleton Dolls!
We went to the Children's Museum on Wednesday (just me and the kids) and it was PACKED! We made it a quick run -through of our favorites after waiting in line for 1/2 hour for the jolly days slide. I love this pic on the carousel...personality, eh?
The story behind the slide pics: in order to get a picture of the kids, I had to go down first, whip out the camera, and be ready as the kids came down side-by-side. Of course that didn't happen, as Hanna slid faster than Joel. So I waited to try and get them both in the shot...ended up with Hanna out of the frame..argh! So all I have is this lame consolation shot of her turning in the cloth!

We didn't get any fishing in this summer with the grandparents, so a little museum ice fishing will have to do!
Hanna was a wise man/king in the preschool Christmas play this year. She did great!

A new bicycle for her 5th birthday. I cannot believe how fast time flies with these kiddos...Hanna's getting so big and smart, and Joel's becoming so mature and observant!

Uncle Tim/Aunt MaryAnn and Trevor got Hanna this cute Barbie Race Car Driver outfit for her b-day....perfect for our little daredevil!
Andy and Trevor enjoy some popcorn on the hearth at the party. Trevor's becoming quite the little man too! His little brother will be here any day now! We are all thinking about Uncle Tim and wishing him the best as he celebrates Christmas in Afghanistan over a movie and some Boy Scout popcorn! :0)

Cheesin' it up at Gradma Ellis' keyboard! I think Joel always tries to take personal responsibility for Trevor's well-being when they are's cute!
The famed cousins shot at this year's Thanksgiving's getting harder to get all of them looking at once...
Joel's first basketball game of the season. The team struggles a bit, but they are having fun and learning, and Joel likes it that his PE teacher is the coach. Go MV Celtics!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

40 Years Ago...

Happy 40th wedding anniversary mom and dad! You're the best!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Catching Up (a.k.a. my out-of-order blog)

I was recently informed by a certain family member that I was lax in my seasonal posting...meaning Halloween pics weren't ever loaded for the world to see. I was so wrapped up getting past my own Halloween monsters (referendum) and moving on to Vet's Day programs that I just plain forgot. Over fall break, we headed to Illinois for a quick visit. The kids had a good time, especially bowling with Gma and Gpa. They're actually getting the hang of it! Here's Hanna all tuckered out on the drive home from the weekend. Doesn't look too comfortable, does it?
Joel went Trick-or-Treating as Wolverine from X-Men. Where DID he get those incredible pectorals?

Hanna got to go to preschool dressed up. She's sporting the handmade Belle costume Aunt Cindy handed down to her. Lovely...

Our babysitter, Kathy, had to sell Fall Festival tickets before school on that day, so Hanna and her buddy Kylee (also in Kathy's care) came with. Karleigh (left) is Kathy's 3rd grade daughter. I couldn't resist snapping a quick picture of the three drama queens in front of our gym before school.
In other news, Andy's brother Tim left for Afghanistan today. He's going to be with the 101st Airborne until May. We're not sure if he'll be allowed to come back for the birth of his 2nd child in January or not...we can hope! We are all thinking about him, and MaryAnn and cousin Trevor as well. I believe that family posesses a golden will and resolve that I could never muster.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My World Will Change

Referendum failed.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

Friday was Hanna's preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch. I ended up with a Dr. appt. that morning so I went ahead and took the whole day so I could go with her. It was a bee-u-tee-ful day for the FT!

They learned about all the things the farm produced, including gourds, squash, popcorn, pumpkins, and Christmas trees. The nice thing about this place is that it's literally 2 minutes down the road from our house, so we can visit anytime.

Here's her preschool picture. I think she looks so much older! (and ladylike and mild-mannered....) Our baby is growin' up!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Busy kids, stressed mom...

The fall school skating party was this week and the kids had a blast. Joel pointed out that his skating skills had improved (I must have missed him practicing this year!! :0), and Hanna was proud that she could stay on her feet most of the time. She didn't even care about the bounce house this year--they were both a'rollin'!
Joel hanging out with some friends. Looks like he and his fellow flankers were cozying up to the "cool" older kids!

Hanna even found some preschool classmates to skate with. They were pretty independent at this year's event.
I don't have pics because I forgot the camera, but Joel ended his season 2 in baseball today. They put up a good fight, but toward the end, the other team skunked them. Joel's really become better at baseball, but it's a good time for a break. Of course we wanted his team to win......Secretly, we accept the loss with chagrin because a win would mean we'd still be at the ball park now for the second game! Next up; basketball!
In other news, the schools are gearing up for the fight of a lifetime. A referendum is on the ballot and tension is most decidedly high. The community in which I live and teach is 80% no children in school. It frustrates me that my calling, my children's educational well-being, as well as my livelihood are all being decided by these people. Stomach aches and wakeful nights have become routine around here. If the public slays this referendum, more devastating personnel/program cuts are guaranteed. This time, I don't think elementary (or any level of) music will go unscathed. If I could swing from the town's water tower and shout to the masses to "vote YES" on November 2nd, I would. I don't think they truly understand what our schools will be like if they shut this down. Not even our superintendent is optimistic, but fight we will.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I have no excuse...

This is my daughter on preschool. Whooped! She absolutely loves it, but every other day, she comes home as tired as can be. Today, she just quietly gathered blankets from the couches and set up camp while Joel was doing took several minutes before I realized all was quiet in the livingroom. I had to snap a few pics of this "peaceful Hanna" moment (they don't happen often 'round here!).

This weekend was busy for us. I hosted a bridal shower for Andy's sister at our house while the boys (7 in all) headed to Chicago for the Cubs-Cardinals game. During batting practice, Uncle Tim caught a foul ball and gave it to Joel! Cloud Nine, I tell ya! The only bummer was Andy getting car sick on the way up. But it was a good game for us Cub fans...sorry Uncle Jason...

Aunt Cindy made a gorgeous cake for the Pampered Chef shower. We had a fun time and, after the crowd cleared out and we had some quiet time for the youngsters in the house, us girls went out to dinner!
Clearly, blogging has not been on the priory list for awhile. I'll try to do better...
In other news, Hanna's gymnastics teacher said she can move up into the next leveled class (for 6 yr. olds +) This month, she'll be doing cartwheels and round-offs!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Preschool Sans "B"

Our baby started preschool today. She was so excited! Whereas Joel was wide-eyed and shy, Hanna jumped in the car and babbled the whole time. She marched right in and found her cubby and chair. The only thing that slowed her down was the girl who cried and threw herself on the floor in a fit of "I don't wanna stay!!!" (note the look of trying to smile for Mommy's camera, but keeping tabs on said girl!)
After being tucked in to bed last night, we were discussing the fun things to look forward to. Hanna said, "But most importantly Mommy, I won't need my B." (her purple rag of a blanket) Sure enough, she left it at home this morning without so much as a comment. When I picked her up this afternoon, going without her B or sucking her fingers was the first thing she mentioned. This could be our big break!!!

As I peruse these pictures, I'm making a mental note to NOT let her wear that dress again! Must've gotten a little too stretched out this summer...we're almost showin' a little too much for the preschool crowd. :0)

She's already asking me about Friday and stamping her feet wanting to return before then! I could've sworn she was just learning to walk and talk yesterday. Time flies....

Thursday, August 26, 2010


A busy milestone week for Hanna! Tuesday, she had a rather lengthy well-child physical for preschool (she insisted on wearing the resulting sticker on her leotard for the world to see). Then, she jetted off to her first-ever gymnastics class. She LOVED it! It's a 6-week program for motor development/preschoolers and it's perfect for what we wanted. She really needed something to call her own...Joel's activities were dragging her spirits a bit. She did great and is excited for each week. Her favorite aparatus is the high beam (my least favorite, if I recall!)

Then last night, we had teacher meet-and-greet at preschool. She's very excited to begin next week! Our baby's growing so fast!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Hoorah of Summer

We spent the weekend cramming in fun activities while the cousins were in town. Fair on Friday, Children's Museum on Saturday morning, family birthdays on Saturday night, and then Joel had his first fall baseball game. Whew! The kids LOVE being with Trevor and Rylee; this weekend, we finally met baby Ryder. Poor kid has no idea what family mayhem he's getting into!
The carousel is always a favorite!

Trevor and Joel are born to be wild...

Rylee and Hanna work the catwalk at the Barbie exhibit. That was Rylee's forte; she twirled and bowed and worked that crowd! (didn't mean to rhyme...)

I create the morning news powerpoints at school and needed some kiddo pics for a character song...I headed out to recess and found Joel and his friends playing kickball. This turned out to be a fun shot and Joel is so handsome in his green I must say! We're off and running for the 2010-2011 school year. Hold on tight...