Thursday, March 20, 2008

Here Comes Trouble

First, I want to make it very clear that I love my daughter. She is a special gift and brings immeasurable joy to my life. That being said: my daughter has become a child posessed. That's right, a little monster has taken over my sweet Hanna. (I thought the bath time picture seemed appropriate.) IT'S THE TERRIBLE TWOS!!!! Joel never had the terrible twos... his came later w/ the frustrating fours. But, wow, is Hanna firmly entrenched! She climbs to the top of everything, including the changing table, the kitchen table, cabinets, bathroom name it! She pinches and throws holy-terror fits of frustration. She does not like to share. She splits her time between whining pitifully and stomping around saying "No!" She throws things that you ask her to give back or put away. She squeals like a banshee. And during much of her ne'er do well-ing, she watches you with a devilish twinkle in her eye that says, "I'm so very charming and you know you still love me..." Yep, I do.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sleepless In...

It's 2:04 am and I'm wide awake. I'd rather be sleeping; my body wants me to be sleeping, but my brain simply will not shut off! I've been up a time or two already giving Joel a dose of medicine for his horrible cough-and now fever-and there I was again: lying in bed THINKING! For those out there who have nothing better to do than read my pathetic musings, wanna take a trip through my thinking...see what connections all those synaps are making?

My poor baby, he's miserable with that cough! The medicine should be kicking in by now...I wonder how I should cook the ham for breakfast tomorrow... (Joel missed preschool today, and they were going to try green eggs and ham as part of their week-long unit on Dr. Seuss. I told him we'd have green eggs and ham for b-fast Saturday)......well, 1 pioneer program down; 2 more to go Tuesday...I wonder why that microphone died on us today...will I be able to get to school this weekend to reset levels and fix the problems? (I think as I hear the blowing snow outside).....I should have brought the 3rd graders' poi balls home to braid so they can dance with them next week...I hope the weather breaks enough for me to paint/prime their didjeridoos so they can get them painted and learn how to play them in time for the World's Fair!...I need to pluck flower blooms for the leis, make more tiki statues, and figure out how to craft a large Easter Island head...Shoot! I forgot to email the teachers who are donating paper products!....I wonder if I nudge him with my foot, he'll stop snoring (he really doesn't do it that often :0)......I can't believe I had to sit in meetings all afternoon (about reading comprehension strategies) rather than get my sub plans done for Monday, yet another thing to try to get done this weekend....I wonder what jury selection will be like...I doubt if I can take scissors to try to get some World's Fair cutting done....probably just a list-making notepad and my latest paperback...maybe I should get up and have some Sweet Dreams tea....I'm probably going to be spending my personal day next week buying the rest of my supplies for the World's Fair......I wish I could go on a shopping spree (FOR ME!) w/ the gift cards in my wallet....I think I forgot to spray the sombreros with lice spray-better do that tomorrow....what should I have my 3rd graders do with the sub Monday?.............

I'd better stop there before one of you in cyberspace reports me with "mental concerns". I think I'd be a good candidate for Ambien (if I believed in using that sort of thing). Until then, I'm going to sip my tea and go to the livingroom to work on my lists (it's how I get through all this each year) until sleep overcomes me. Sweet Dreams...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm Weary...

Yes, I know there are people in much worse positions out there, but I am completely and totally frazzled with school/home life this month! I'm in the thick of pioneer week (MAJOR program at school) that's been behind the eight-ball due to so many 2-hr. delays. Between rehearsals, classes, setting up risers/stages, setting up sound equipment...there's not enough time in the day for all the things I'm trying to do.
Does this picture make you gag? I t does me...
Simultaneously, I'm the CEO of the "World's Fair" (MAJOR school event that includes a musical performance) which happens 2 weeks after pioneer program. On top of that, I've been summoned for jury selection the day before the pioneer program. It's the time of year when the kids at school are terrors and we all really need Spring!Sheesh! Oh yah, and my poor hubby doesn't know who I am anymore. I'm so emotionally drained, I don't have anymore left when I walk through the door at night. Argh... I feel better! :0)